
Come explore the mind of a polymath; that is an at-home dad, homeschool teacher, handyman, philosopher, and up & coming author.

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Speak Power To Fear

I was reminded today of just how much we can let fear control our lives. We can let fear just take hold without any real threat. Just the unknown is enough to make us cringe. I have dealt with worry and fear for so long that I missed out on many opportunities in my life.…

SpringTime Beginnings

Good morning bright people! It’s another day. I still have snow on the ground up here in Maine. Granted much of it is finally melting after our snowstorm last week. Still, this does not feel like spring yet. I usually love spring! I love all seasons as they begin. Honestly, nothing beats the excitement of…

It came to this… The Fodder Collection Pt.1

When I first started blogging I had been navigating my life with my daughter. My blog, myself, and my daughter changed over the years, blogs were lost in the ever-changing universe of the internet Proving that nothing truly is forever. Now my children are older my firstborn is 10. I have 4 in total. My…

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